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Raphaël LEGOFF

Raphaël joined Nexia S&A in 2007. A graduate of the MASTER CCA program at CETFI in Aix-en-Provence, he has extensive experience in accounting and finance, particularly in the industrial, vending and service sectors.

Raphaël specializes in the subsidiaries of foreign groups in France, where he deals with specific issues such as the determination of integrated taxable income, the particularities of international VAT, and the monitoring of deviations from French GAAP.

French and international companies alike benefit from his renowned expertise in accounting and auditing.

With 14 years’ experience, Raphaël is a director and qualified chartered accountant in 2019.

In his spare time, Raphaël skis, boxes and sails.

Nexia S&A
31 rue Henri Rochefort
Work +33.1 47 66 77 88