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Eric Desfontaines is a seasoned professional in financial services outsourcing and organization, with particular expertise in the field of SME & ETI accounting. Holder of a Master’s degree in Audit Expertise and Control from ISC Paris and a Diplôme Supérieur de Comptabilité et de Gestion, he began his career with Nexia S&A, quickly specializing in outsourcing. His career path includes significant experience within the Safran group, where he joined the Safran Finance Services SSC, focusing on auxiliary and then general accounting. Subsequently, Eric consolidated his skills with RSM France, focusing on Key Accounting.

Currently, he holds a key position at Nexia S&A, where he manages three outsourcing assignments in the watchmaking, polling institute and video game creation sectors, covering aspects such as general and auxiliary accounting.

His skills extend to assistance and review of accounts, monitoring of accounting production, continuous improvement, setting up processes and establishing KPI’s. In the field of certified accountancy, he stands out for his skills in auditing, accounting and tax production. Eric is in charge of extending the service line, sales and technical support, and outsourcing activity management.

Nexia S&A
31 rue Henri Rochefort
Work +33.1 47 66 77 88